Floor and Stair Safety Assessment

Floor and stair safety assessments help you evaluate the safety of your home, your business or even a public space for slip and fall accidents that can seriously injure a loved one, an employee, a customer or the general public.

GripGuard's floor safety experts are trained to assess floor safety risks, provide a detailed report with solutions to mitigate these risks as well as meet all government rules and regulations with respect to floor safety.

Many underestimate the dangers that slip and fall accidents pose to those in their homes, place or work or public spaces for that matter. Our trained professionals can evaluate the risks and make recommendations to address the issues that lead to falls

Not only is floor safety a legal requirement for property owners to ensure that their property is safe for anyone that visits the property - invited or uninvited -  but it also extends to the landlord's of residential properties. Whether you are an owner/occupier of a home or a Landlord addressing your legal duty of care to your tenants, or simply want to protect your loved ones and your guests, knowing what are the risks, where and how to solve them can be complicated.

More than half of emergency room presentations were for injuries that occurred at home.  Children and the elderly are most at risk.  7 out of 10 people aged 65 and over who were hospitalised for a fall-related injury sustained that injury in the home.The most dangerous areas in the home are areas that become slippery when wet - bathrooms, kitchens, foyers, driveways, footpaths, balconies, swimming pool surrounds and laundries are all high risk areas.  Other risk areas are uneven flooring, stairs and ramps.

Grip Guard's floor care professionals can provide you with a detailed floor safety report that will identify any areas of concern and provide concrete recommendations for remediation.

OH&S regulations firmly place the onus on employers to monitor the conditions in the workplace under their management and control.  When necessary, they must employ experts - people who are 'suitably qualified'- to better understand and meet their obligations.

Slipping, tripping or falling at the workplace can lead to serious injuries.  Grip Guard's Floor Safety Assessment is designed to identify potential slip and fall hazards, assess their risk and prescribe the best plan to eliminate or reduce those risks as far as practicable.  

Businesses must also meet DDA (Disability Discrimination Act) regulations that make it mandatory that all establishments and service providers open to the public have taken reasonable steps to provide access for disabled people.

Once completed, a Floor Safety Report with recommendations for any suggested remediation works will be provided to management for consideration.  A quote can also be provided, if requested.

By virtue of its operations, industry poses even greater risks than other occupational settings.  A slip and fall accident is more likely to occur in an industrial setting due to the high level of noise, the presence of contaminants and the strenuous nature of the work.   Further, a slip and fall accident is more likely to result in serious injury due to hazards like machinery and tools.

Grip Guard's Floor Safety Assessment is designed to identify potential floor safety hazards in the industrial workplace, assess their risk and prescribe the best plan to eliminate or reduce those risks as far as practicable. 

Once completed, a Floor Safety Report with recommendations for any required remediation works will be provided to management for consideration.  A quote can also be provided, if requested.

Government has the same responsibilities as private citizens and businesses to ensure all users have convenient and safe access to and through public spaces.  This is especially important for community members with disabilities.

Safe pedestrian surfaces are essential in our public buildings, in parks, and on footpaths and roads.  As in the private sector, in is not acceptable to wait until an accident happens before addressing a potential hazard.  

A Floor Safety Assessment is a proactive measure that aims to eliminate the risks of a slip/fall accident rather than a reactive measure to an accident that has already happened.

Grip Guard's Floor Safety Assessment is designed to assist local councils to meet regulations such as the DDA, Australian Standards and Duty of Care - aimed at protecting Australians in public areas and assisting them in meeting their legal duty of care.

Once completed, a Floor Safety Report with recommendations for any required remediation works will be provided to management for consideration.  A quote can also be provided, if requested.
